stance|stances in English


[stæns /stɑːns]

physical position or bearing while standing; opinio

Use "stance|stances" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "stance|stances" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "stance|stances", or refer to the context using the word "stance|stances" in the English Dictionary.

1. Once a certain level of proficiency has been reached, the karate student starts to learn stances beyond the basic stance.

2. And real affection may negate such stances.

3. Pesticides and allied toxic sub - stances , mineral acids .

4. Stances are Anisotropal lends this view still greater pro

5. Switching stance, druids dance.

6. The Absurdists sort of take the middle ground of both these stances

7. 1st Stance: Basaltic Fist is the first stance of the Dance of Four Gods set of techniques

8. It's inconsistent with his current stance.

9. Cept an idea, backchannels, and no-stance represent other com-mon stance-related uses

10. The structure of present attitudinal stances will contain implicit potentialities for the future.

11. The religions which are burgeoning around the world are the ones taking positive, proactive stances.

12. The boxer took up a fighting stance.

13. a vociferous critic of the president's stance.

14. The unavoidable fact of the matter is that both religion and secularism are stances.

15. To illustrate the point, below are some fun and interesting universal brand identities with dichotomous stances.

16. While he is sometimes viewed as the West's inveterate enemy, Yamani has often taken conciliatory stances.

17. 17 The social sciences embody a range of sometimes conflicting stances towards the human world.

18. He is known for his anti-abortion stance.

19. What is the newspaper's stance on the war?

20. The stance incorporates body alignment and body posture.

21. Private contractors joined in condemning the Government's stance.

22. 27 The boxer took up a fighting stance.

23. His stance on carbon emissions is deplorable.

24. By contrast, my administration has taken a very firm stance — it’s a very firm stance — on a strong action.

25. Judges are increasingly taking a tougher stance on rape.